We wanted a place where we could shop for merchandise that helps to amplify the voice of a cause we believe in-- so we created Shad & Co. Each purchase of our current collection goes towards supporting the efforts of the women and people of Iran to obtain basic rights.

Shop for Good


It all started with the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman arrested by morality police in Tehran on 13 September for allegedly violating Iran's strict rules requiring women to cover their hair with a hijab, or headscarf.

Since then the protests have swelled, with demands from more freedoms to an overthrow of the state, with chants of WOMAN (Zan), LIFE (Zendagi), FREEDOM (Azadi.) This design uses simple block letters, a gradient overlay with the bright red and green of the flag of Iran, and water lilly (Niloofare Abi)-- the national flower of Iran.
Flowing in her hair are the words that the people or Iran and all their supporters are chanting, in support of the quest for basic freedoms: WOMAN, LIFE, FREEDOM.